
Camp Fortune Ski Club is the proud host of the 2017 OCUP Finals – Ontario U14 Provincial Championships.  Volunteers are the lifeblood of every successful race and this event will be no exception. What sets the U14 Provincials apart, however, is the need for significant volunteer support over four consecutive days. The following race schedule is planned:

Sunday, March 12 – Setup Day

Wednesday, March 15th – GS Race on Skyline 

Thursday, March 16th – Super G Race on Skyline 

Friday, March 17th – Slalom Race on Skyline 

Saturday, March 18th – Dual Slalom in the Valley

We therefore invite all parents, alumni, and members of the ski communitey whether experienced volunteers, or those new to the club family, to visit our  Volunteer sign up page indicate where and when you will be able to help out.  

The link is here: Volunteer Signup.

Thank you in advance for helping our club to make the U14 Provincials a great success!

For any volunteer related questions, please contact Sandy Sheehan (sandishe@hotmail.com).