NCD Clubs

Camp Fortune Ski Club (CFSC) is a non-profit ski racing club based at Camp Fortune Ski Resort in Chelsea, Quebec, only 15 minutes by car from downtown Ottawa. Camp Fortune offers a wide selection of programs for young athletes (starting at age 7) to develop the skills they need for a lifetime of skiing.Calabogie Ski Racing Club (CSRC) is a competitive based alpine ski racing program focused on the development of youth into competitive athletes and responsible young adults. Calabogie offers an athlete centered program, which encourages personal growth and develops individual potential. It is coach driven and supported by a parent & volunteer infrastructure.

Ottawa Sports Alpine Club is a premier traveling alpine race club – the first of its kind in Canada! Based in the National Capital Region, our club offers athlete-centric, competitive racing programs that operate across multiple ski resorts in the National Capital Region, Outaouais and beyond. Our dedicated coaching staff is composed of internationally certified professionals, kinesiologists, and sports psychologists; committed to unlocking each athlete’s full potential. The program emphasizes personal growth and skill enhancement by instilling our motto: “Train Smart, Train Hard, Train Together. Be the Exception.”