Coaching is a crucial part of any ski racing and athlete development program. Most clubs require that their coaches have Canadian Ski Coaches Federation (CSCF) / La Fédération des entraîneurs de ski du Canada (FESC) certification. The federation is a national organization that provides guidance, training and certification for ski racing coaches.
The structure and content of the Federations training and certification program is aligned with the AIM development plan:
Level 1 – The Entry Level program is an introduction to entry level coaching for children ages 12 and under. Focus is on the “FUN-damentals” stage of development in the alpine long-term athlete development model.
Level 2 – The Development Level program is focused at developing skills and competencies for coaching athletes in the “train to train” stage of development in the alpine long-term skier development model.
Level 3 – The Performance Level program is focused at developing skills and competencies for coaching athletes in the “train to compete” stage of development in the alpine long-term skier development model.
Level 4 – This High Performance Level of coaches‟ training prepares individuals to serve as program directors or national elite coaches. The program is usually completed over 2-5 years.
More Information: For details about CSCF programs, coaching qualifications, training and certification standards, Code of Conduct and related information can be found here.