Dear NCD Ski Community,
Due to ongoing restrictions related to COVID-19, the Annual NCD Awards Night for the 2019-20 ski season will be pushed forward into the fall when we can, hopefully, gather together in person.
The NCD AGM will take place on May 20, 2020 via web conference at 7:00 pm. Please contact to indicate your interest in participating and in order to receive the video conference link and log in details.
We are also seeking a volunteer to act as Secretary. This is a great position to learn more about NCD and the work we do in support of regional coaching development, race scheduling and other regional initiatives. Please let me know if you are interested in taking on this role, or would like to learn more.
The purpose of the meeting is as follows:
1. Review Financial Statements for year ending April, 30, 2020.
2. To elect directors for the upcoming year. We have one open position: Secretary.
3. To transact any other business if any that may properly come before the AGM.
For further information, please contact
On behalf of the NCD Board of Directors, we hope you and your family are healthy and safe,
Mary Van Buren